Lego MindStrom EV3 instead of NXT

Hello Wayne and Layne;
I just purchased you book. Can I use the Lego Mindstorms EV3 in-place of the NXT?
Thank you;

Hello, thanks for the comment. The book outlines how to use an Arduino + Bricktronics Shield to replace the control brick of your NXT kit. The Bricktronics hardware works with both NXT and EV3 motors, but LEGO changed the protocol of the EV3 sensors and they are not yet supported by Bricktronics. Hope that helps explain the situation.

I’ve just run into this, and it looks like it isn’t just a protocol change but a switch from I2C to using UARTs, if I’m reading this code correctly -

The Mega 2560 has 4 UARTs, but they aren’t connected to the right places for sensors to use them, even with a bunch of jumpering.