I can (reflow) solder SMT!

Thank you for making a very neat SMT soldering kit and making it open source. I was looking for something to test a new reflow oven with while waiting for parts to arrive for a different project and this kit did just the trick. I was able to find the KiCad files on GitHub and use them to have a kapton stencil created by OSHStencils. At first I did not think it would work, as the pad cutouts in the stencil were big, as expected, meant for hand-soldering and I squeegeed on what I thought would be too much paste. Lo-and-behold though, everything worked!

I have uploaded a few photos of the process here: https://imgur.com/a/2x9Kw62.

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That’s really awesome, thanks for sharing! We also have a stencil from OSHStencils, and it does indeed apply a lot of paste. You’re right in that the pads are designed for hand-soldering. I’m always impressed with how well the reflow process seems to work, everything snaps into place due to the surface tension of the molten solder.